Shelly EM + 120A Clamp

10.490 kr.

Shelly EM + 120A Clamp
WiFi (802.11 b/g/n)


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Vörunúmer: SKU-076 Flokkar: ,


Shelly EM + 120A Clamp
WiFi (802.11 b/g/n)

Mælir orkunotkun með því að setja klemmuna utan um rafmagnsleiðara.

Ætlast er til að rafvirki tengi þennan snjallhlut við rafmagn hússins.

Ensk lýsing: Monitor the consumption of any home appliances, electric circuit and office equipment (lights, power lines, security systems, heating and cooling, etc.) individually. The consumption of your whole home or generated electricity from solar panels with the only one of its kind WiFi-operated Energy Meter with contactor control functionality in the world.