Shelly 2 PM plus
WiFi (802.11 b/g/n)
Tvöfaldur rofi, til að setja inn í veggdós, með orkumælingu.
110-240V AC eða 24 DC
Ætlast er til að rafvirki tengi þennan rofa við rafmagn hússins.
Ensk lýsing: 2 channel Wi-Fi relay with power metering and cover (roller) control
Shelly Plus 2PM is a one-phase, two channel smart relay supporting up to 10A per channel and 16A total current (18A peak). It is equipped with two power meters for each channel and an overpower protection function to limit your energy consumption. Cover (roller) control allows for the control and monitoring of roller shutters, blinds, curtains, gates, or other bi-directional AC motors.